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Machines for production in confectionery and ice cream shop


Machines and

A wide range of professional equipment from Telme, Pomati, VMI, Domino, Fines, Packint, and Rollermac allows us to meet the needs of clients in confectioneries, ice cream parlors, and the gastronomy sector.

We combine years of experience with modern technology. We implement technology, train staff, and provide guarantees, service, and consulting.

The heart of every workshop is modern programmable equipment that facilitates work and speeds up the production process.


Telme: Cukiernia
i Lodziarnia

VMI i Domino:
Miksery Miesiarki

Pomati has combined the tradition of Italian pastry masters with modern technology.

We offer top-quality machines for the production of various chocolate products, including chocolate, pralines, bars, dragees, and more.

Oferta profesjonalnych urządzeń firmy Telme do produkcji lodów, sorbetów i całej gamy produktów cukierniczych takich jak kremy, nadzienia, ciasta, dżemy i pasty, jogurty, cukiernicze.

Urządzenie są programowalne z gotowymi recepturami do natychmiastowego wykorzystania.

Miesiarki planetarne pozwalają na wydajną pracę, a tym samym zwiększenie produkcji. Wykorzystanie ich pozwala przygotować większą ilość ciasta w krótszym czasie.

 Bean to Bar

 Bars and Dragees



Packint provides equipment for chocolate production, including machines for both artisanal and industrial purposes. We offer high-quality machines for the production of all types of chocolate products.


Rollermac offers machines and equipment for the production of bars, nougat, and specialized dragée machines. The range is designed for both artisanal and industrial production.

Fines convection ovens. Intelligent HTB control panel with S-Control+ knob. Color LCD TFT touchscreen display. Innovative combination of two integrated steam systems within a single oven.


Machines and Devices .

From project to implementation. We are with our clients at every stage of the investment process.

Training, service, and warranty.

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