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Maszyny cukiernicze
Urządzenia chłodnicze
Maszyny i urządzenia cukiernicze i gastronomiczne
Szeroka gama profesjonalnych urządzeń firmy Pomati, VMI, Domino, Zucchelli, Sagi, Fines, Packint, Rollermac, pozwala nam zaspokajać potrzeby klientów w cukierniach, lodziarniach i gastronomii.
Maszyny cukiernicze i gastronomiczne
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Maszyny cukiernicze
Our wide range of professional equipment from Pomati, Packint, and Rollermac enables us to meet the needs of customers in pastry shops and chocolate workshops. We combine years of experience with modern technology. We implement technologies, train personnel, provide warranties, service, and advice.
The heart of every chocolate workshop is the chocolate tempering machine, which allows us to produce high-quality chocolate products.

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